Marigold or marigold (Calendula officinalis L., 1753), is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family.
Very common in Mediterranean regions, marigold grows in most gardens and wastelands without needing to be sown, the wind acting as gardener. Its seeds survive intense cold.
The field marigold (Calendula arvensis), or wild marigold, or vine marigold, is smaller with slightly different center seeds. Its parts have the same properties as marigold. It is sometimes called garden marigold.

Marigold is an edible plant (young leaves, fresh or dried flower head). The therapeutic properties of marigold have been known for a long time. In the 12th century, Hildegard of Bingen used it against ringworm of the scalp; at the same time, Albert Le Grand recommended its use as a healing agent, against intestinal disorders, insect and snake bites. In the 16th century in Italy, doctors recommended its use to make eye drops to treat eye ailments.
It is one of the plants whose cultivation is recommended in the royal domains by Charlemagne in the De Villis capitulary (end of the 8th century or beginning of the 9th).
The flower buds of Marigold Officinal and Field Marigold can be pickled in vinegar before they open. They can also be sautéed “to accompany grilled meats.” Flowers enhance salads. You can also collect the petals and add them at the last moment to rice and pasta. They bring color and a pleasant and unpretentious bittersweet tone.”
Calendula officinalis has long been used in traditional medicine. The fresh or barely dried flowers are used to prepare infusions and alcoholates which have notably anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-tumor, spasmolytic, hypocholesterolemic and immunostimulating properties. For external use (mother tincture), it is an excellent anti-inflammatory (skin and mucous membranes, intimate or not), anti-edematous and antivenom. It is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and healing.
According to the World Health Organization, the marigold (le souci) can be considered as “external treatment of superficial wounds, moderate inflammations of the skin and oral mucosa, wounds and venous ulcers”. “Calendula is part of the same family as arnica (Asteraceae) and has restorative and protective properties. It contains natural antioxidants and stimulates cell renewal.”

Sources: Wikipedia