Association des Richard du N.-B.

Descendants et amis de Michel Richard dit Sansoucy

Genealogical Research

George Richard

A very big thank you to George Richard from Blainville, Québec who has recently graciously given us his genealogical research so that we can add it to our website.

His research is a revision of the work done by Father Donat Ola Robichaud which was published in 1981.  The document, in PDF format, contains more than 700 pages and more than 22,000 names.

There is also an Excel document which gives a complete list of all of the names contained in the PDF document.  If you are comfortable working in Excel, you will be able to easily filter and sort the data.

The documents are now available to the members of the Richard Association of New Brunswick and can be found in the “Members Only” section.

You can access the documents by clicking on the button below:

Once again, a very big thank you to George

Categories: RANB, Uncategorized

3 replies

  1. I can’t asses the link to George document

    • Good morning,

      I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I was on vacation for a few days. I will double check the page and get back to you as soon as possible. I have been having issues with the login page lately.


    • I am still working on finding permanent fix but you now have access to the page. Once you enter your login information, if it refreshes back to the Login page, simply go to the top menu, choose “Resources” and then from that menu, choose “Members Only”. It will bring you to the correct page.