Richard family reunion – CMA 2019 – August 19th, 2019
The Richard family meeting at the CMA 2019 took place on August 19th at the Shediac Multifunctional Center. According to all the comments received since then, we can conclude that this event was a great success with over 300 participants including people from Canada, many from the United States and even some people from France.
It all started in the genealogy room at 10:00 am, followed by the screening of the film Zachary Richard, Cajun Heart. A nice surprise for the participants when, at the end of the film, Zachary Richard himself, entered the room to talk with the audience for about fifteen minutes. The film, now the recipient of 20 awards around the world, was a great success and we even added a second presentation in the evening.
During the opening ceremony, we welcomed Shediac Mayor Roger Caissie, Bernard Richard and Zachary Richard, who gave a little surprise by singing a little a capella song for his dinner.
In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to see Gélélou performing followed by a great conference given by Zachary Richard concerning the Acadians of Louisiana.
Following a good Acadian supper, Harmonie came on stage for a night of music and dance.
Here is a series of pictures from the reunion.
General Assembly 2019 – June 2nd, 2019
The 2019 General Assembly was held on Sunday, June 2nd at the Golden Age Club of St. Ignace under the chairmanship of Adrien Richard. Among other things, there was the adoption of the financial report, which indicates that the income since May 1, 2018 was $ 1009.83 in addition to a balance of $ 598.27 that was in the account as of April 30, 2018. The expenses were $ 1438.33 ( including a loan of $ 500 to the Richard reunion committee for the CMA) which leaves a balance of $ 169.77 in the current account. There is also an amount of $ 702.36 in the savings account which leaves a cash balance of $ 897.13. The Association currently has 150 paid members.

There was also a resolution that Roger Comeau be the auditor of the association for the year 2019-2020.
The following members have been elected to the Board of Directors for the coming year: President: Paul Richard; vice-president: Gervais Richard; secretary: Adrice Richard; Councilors: Noëlla Richard Doucette, Aline Richard, Laura Richard, Émile Richard and Mémmé Richard. Thelma Richard will continue to serve on the Board of Directors as a non-voting member. The position of treasurer remains to be filled.

Emile Richard presented certificates of recognition to outgoing President Adrien Richard who held this position for 8 years and to Jean A. Richard who held the position of secretary for 18 years (from 1998 to 2005 and from 2008 to 2019).

The business meeting was followed by a presentation by Paul Richard, president of the Richard family meeting committee at the CMA 2019. He presented the program for the day and the plans for the genealogy kiosk.

Pre-Congress Family reunion – April 28th, 2019
A full morning of information for the family reunion organizing committees. In the afternoon, each family was present with an information booth for their meeting.