2017 General Assembly
The 22nd Annual General Meeting of the ARNB took place on Sunday, June 5th, 2017 at the Golden Age Club of St. Ignace presided over by Adrien Richard, its president. After the adoption of the minutes of the previous year, the financial report was presented, showing revenues of $ 1,350.81 plus a balance of $ 813.45 in the account as at April 30, 2017. The expenses were $ 906.77, which leaves a balance in the current account of $ 1,060.22. There is also $ 901.69 in the emergency fund.

The President thanked the members for their attendance at this annual meeting and the volunteer members of Saint-Ignace who are preparing the dinner that will follow the meeting. Then there was the election of the members of the 2017-2018 Board of Directors which will be composed of the president, Adrien Richard, the vice-president Émile Richard, secretary, Jean Richard, and the treasurer Josephat Thibault. The councillors are Aline Richard, Denis Richard, Laura Richard and Lauretta Richard. Thelma Richard will continue to act as a representative for the 2019 World Congress. The business meeting was followed by a presentation by Yvette Bourque of the 2019 CMA Organizing Committee.