2010 General Assembly
The 17th Annual General Meeting of the ARNB took place on Sunday, June 13, 2010 at the Golden Age Club of St. Ignace. About 75 people were present.
In his report, the pPresident Alyre Richard indicates that the Board of Directors held nine meetings during the year, in September, October, January, March and April. Several of these meetings were with the Organizing Committee for the August meeting. This meeting attracted 500 to 600 people. He thanked Bishop André Richard, (present at the meeting), for having celebrated Mass at this meeting and Zachary Richard for accepting the honorary presidency of this Richard family celebration.
The treasurer Marie-Louise Richard presented the financial report for the last year. Revenues since May 1, 2009 were $ 17,779.36 including a balance of $ 1,506.72 that was in the account as of April 30, 2009. The expenses were $ 17,453.12 leaving a balance of $ 326.24 including a membership share of $ 25. She indicated that the Association currently has 309 members. It was adopted that the contribution remain at $ 5 for the next year.
Thelma Richard reported having contacts with Fr. Edmour Babineau who would be ready to prepare a DVD on Richard’s history, as he did for Babineau.
Mention was made of the problem faced by our “cousins” in Louisiana following the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It was suggested that the Board of Directors consider organizing an event to assist the Foundation set up by Zachary Richard.
Members had been invited to bring and display old photos and objects. Some people did it and we had organized an exhibition table (see photo). There were also photo CDs.
We then proceeded to the election of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2000-2011. The following people were elected: President, Adrien Richard; vice-president, Émile Richard; former president, Alyre Richard; secretary Jean A. Richard; treasurer, Camille Richard; advisors, Arsene Richard, Laurie Richard, and Vincent Richard. Thelma Richard will act as contact person for the 2014 CMA.

The new President Adrien Richard then presented the first honorary certificate to Marie-Louise Richard, who was treasurer for 13 years and who rendered great service to the Association. The annual meeting was followed by a luncheon dinner prepared by members of the Association.

Unveiling and proclamation of the coat of arms
On Saturday, February 27, 2010, the unveiling and permanent display of the coat of arms of the four new Acadian family associations, which received their coat of arms in July 2009, took place at the Center d’études acadiennes of the Université de Moncton. Belliveau, Duguay, Morais and Richard families. These are in addition to those of the nine families who did so in 2008.
Mr. Robert Pichette, Herald Dauphin Extraordinary, signed and proclaimed it as the representative of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.
Representatives of the four families then unveiled their respective coat of arms.
In the absence of our president, Alyre Richard, who was unable to attend because of poor road conditions, Secretary Jean A. Richard made the announcement on his behalf.
Below are some pictures taken during the ceremony.

In 2008, nine Acadian families who had obtained a distinctive Coat of Arms in recent years, held an activity at the Université de Moncton when each family uunveiled a photo of their emblem. These photos are displayed on the walls of the reading room of le Centre d’études acadiennes.
On February 27, four other familes, the Belliveau, Duguay, Morais and RICHARD who have received their Coat of Arms in August 2009, held a similar ceremony. Above are some photos of the activity.