The Richard Association of New Brunswick is a non-profit organization that brings together all of the Richard descendants and their spouses. The acronym of the Association is the ARNB.
ARTICLE 1. General Provisions
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 Association means the Richard Association of New Brunswick Inc.
1.1.2 Meeting means, as the case may be, the annual general meeting or the members special meeting.
1.1.3 Board of Directors the persons elected to the presidency, vice-presidency and the positions of secretary, treasurer and counsellors.
1.1.4 Member means a member in good standing with the Association.
1.1.5 Simple majority means 50% plus one of the votes cast at a meeting.
1.2 Goal
The goal of the ARNB is to:
1.2.1 Foster fraternity and connect all Richard in New Brunswick through group meetings and activities.
1.2.2 Develop the knowledge of its genealogy and thus promote a pride of belonging.
1.2.3 Recruit members in accordance with established statutes and regulations.
1.3. Objectives
1.3.1 The Annual General Meeting will determine the specific objectives of the Assocation.
1.4. Language of communication
1.4.1 The language of communication of the ARNB is usually French, but members may be served in another language as needed.
1.5. Headquarters and seal
1.5.1 The head office is located on the territory of New Brunswick, at the place determined by the Board of Directors.
1.5.2 The seal, as shown above, is adopted as the seal of the Association.
ARTICLE 2 The members
2.1 Member categories
The Association has two categories of members: regular members and honorary members:
2.1.1 Any descendant of the Richard family or spouse who supports the goals of the Association and who has paid the membership fee is a regular member of the ARNB.
2.1.2 It is possible to become a member of the Association at any time during the year and the membership card is valid until the Annual General Meeting.
2.1.3 The general meeting may designate as an honorary member any person or organization who has rendered service to the Association in an exceptional manner.
2.2 Proof of membership
2.2.1 The secretariat shall send to each member in good standing proof of membership to the Association.
2.3. Membership fee
2.3.1 Membership fees are set at the Annual General Meeting.
2.3.2 The methods of payments are established by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 3 Association Meetings
3.1 Annual General Meeting
3.1.1 The members’ Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year before the end of August on a date set by the Board of Directors.
3.1.2 The Annual General meeting may be cancelled or postponed in cases beyond the control of the Board of Directors that could put members in danger. (Example: Pandemic).
3.2 Special meeting
3.2.1 Any other members meeting is designated a special meeting and is called by the President, the Board of Directors, or at the request of a minimum of ten members.
3.3. Notice of meeting
3.3.1 All members meetings are convened by means of an individual notice stating the place, date, time and main purposes of the meeting.
3.3.2 The meeting convocatin is given at least fifteen days before the meeting. This notice may be given by newspaper or other media if circumstances prevent the sending of an individual notice.
3.4. Quorum and vote
3.4.1 Fifteen members constitutes a quorum. If the quorum is not reached, another general meeting is called after 7 days without taking into account the quorum. At that time, this meeting could change the number required for quorum.
3.4.2 Questions are decided by a simple majority of votes, except where the statutes or the regulations prescribe otherwise.
3.5. Minutes
3.5.1 Minutes shall be kept of all members meetings.
3.6. Agenda
3.6.1. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting includes, among other things, a report of activities, an audited financial statement report, budget estimates and the election of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 4 Board of Directors
4.1 Composition
4.1.1 The Board of Directors of the Association consists of a President, a former President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and three advisors.
4.2 Term of office
4.2.1 The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a two-year term. This mandate is renewable twice. However, in the case of the treasurer, the mandate may be renewed more than twice.
4.2.2 The terms of office of the members of the Board of Directors may extend longer than two years in the event that Article 3.1.2 has taken effect and the General Meeting has been cancelled or postponed. In this case, the mandate will be until the next General Assembly.
4.2.3 The term of the Past President is one year.
4.3 Nominating committee
4.3.1 Before the General Assembly, the Board of Directors appoints a nominating committee composed of three members including a member of the Board of Directors who will act as election officer.
4.3.2 The committee’s mandate is to generate and submit nominations to the General Assembly for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors.
4.4 Elections
4.4.1 At the General Assembly, members elect or re-elect to fill all positions on the Board of Directors.
4.4.2 There is a poll if there is more than one candidate for a post.
4.5 Vacancy
4.5.1 Any vacancy on the Executive Committee may be filled by the latter for the unexpired portion of the term in question.
4.6 Meetings
4.6.1 The Board of Directors meets when convened by the President, or at the request of three members of the Board of Directors. It meets as often as necessary, but at least three times a year.
4.7 Quorum and vote
4.7.1 Four members constitutes a quorum.
4.7.2 Any question is decided by a simple majority of votes.
4.8 Committees
4.8.1 The Board of Directors may establish one or more committees and designate its members. .
4.8.2 The committees report to the Board of Directors and / or the General Assembly.
ARTICLE 5 Financial provisions
5.1 Fiscal year
5.1.1 The fiscal year of the Association begins on June 1st and ends on May 31st of the following year.
5.2 Books and financial statements
5.2.1 The books and financial statements are audited after the end of the fiscal year by an auditor appointed for that purpose.
5.3 Signatories
5.3.1 Checks and other banking bills must be signed by at least two members of the Board of Directors, the President, the Treasurer and another member of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 6 Affiliation
6.1 Affiliation
6.1.1. The General Assembly may by resolution affiliate with other associations or bodies.
ARTICLE 7 Amendments
7.1 Amendments
7.1.1 Any amendment or repeal of these statutes and regulations shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly.
Révision : AGA 2007