The Descendants of founders of the parish of Richibouctou-Village


The descendants of the founders of the parish of Richibouctou-Village

Authors: Doris Maillet-Gallant and Léandre Maillet

Number of pages: 730

Available in French Only


Authors: Doris Maillet-Gallant and Léandre Maillet

Number of pages: 730

Available in French Only


Even today, some Acadians consider that they are only a people of little importance. However, Acadia is blessed with impressive wealth and the inhabitants of Richibouctou-Village are living proof. A people who ignore their history and their roots can only withdraw into themselves or get lost in search of their identity. Ignorance of the past presents itself as an obstacle to understanding the present. Can an Acadian who does not know his origins understand his present? We are, in essence, historical beings: what we are currently and the world in which we evolve depend on the past. Through this work, we wish to encourage the population of Richibouctou-Village to become aware of their roots, and in doing so, allow them to come into contact with the richness of their parish, its history and, in turn, the Acadian people.

Born in Cap-Lumière, Doris Maillet-Gallant did her primary years at the small school in the Cap, after which she finished her intermediate training at the Convent in Bouctouche. She holds a teaching certificate from the Fredericton Normal School and a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Moncton. Although neither a historian nor a genealogist, she has always been interested in the events of her native village, collecting all possible data in order to better know the ancestors of this parish.

Retired professor, and author of the novel The Old Fisherman: The Truth Lurking Under the Veil of Ignorance, published by Éditions de la Francophonie, Léandre Maillet devotes himself to reading, meditation, the practice of Tai-chi and manages the genealogy site

On sale with the authorization of the Éditions de la Francophonie


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