Histoire du drapeau Acadien


Histoire du drapeau Acadien (History of the Acadian Flag)

Authors: Maurice Basque and André Duguay

Number of pages: 152


History of the Acadian Flag

Authors: Maurice Basque and André Duguay

Number of pages: 152

Available in French Only


Maurice Basque is a historian and scientific advisor at the Centre d’Études Acadiennes at the Université de Moncton. He has published numerous books and articles on different realities in Acadia.
André Duguay is a project manager at the Centre d’Études Acadiennes at the Université de Monctcon. He is interested in the Acadian and Native American history of the Maritimes. This work, intended for the general public, is intended for all people who want to know more about the history of the most popular Acadian national symbol, adopted in 1884. It especially explores the New Brunswick dimension of this standard. It is also intended, in a way, as a tribute to the people of Saint-Louis-de-Kent, who have never forgotten that a great patriot and promoter of Acadia, Mgr Marcel-François Richard (1847-1915) , rose from their ranks and gave Acadian society colors and a star that are now inseparable from it. In the eyes of its designer, the starry tricolor was to be a “… flag which awakens in you the feeling that you are and that you must remain French, and that you are Acadian and that you must remain Acadian and wear this victory flag… This book invites you to discover the historical adventure of the Acadian flag, from its origins to the present day.
On sale with the authorisation of the Éditions de la Francophonie


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