Eddie Richard was born in Scott, Louisiana on September 14th, 1922, the son of Joseph Feregus Richard and Sarah Sonnier, married Marie Pauline Boudreau on June 13th 1946 and had one son Ralph Zachary Richard.
Eddie began his community service career as a field executive for the Boy Scouts of America and worked 10 years professionally for them as well as serving as a volunteer cub master, scoutmaster and explorer advisor. He was the first Juvenile Officer for the Sheriff’s department of Lafayette Parish, worked as a director of the U.S. Law Enforcement Assistance Program for the state of Louisiana, was Civil Defense Director of Lafayette Parish in 1965 and served as the first CEO for the Lafayette Parish consolidated government. Later, he was elected Mayor of his hometown of Scott, Louisiana.
Eddie lead a full life serving the needs of people but his greatest love was his fight to continue the French education and preservation of the language and culture in Louisiana. Just before the first First International Richard Reunion in 1991, Eddie, with the efforts of Charles Richard and Iren Schofield of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, became involved and together they promoted the reunion throughout south Louisiana, Texas, Canada and France. With the success of the first Reunion, it inspired Charles Richard of New Iberia, and with the help of Eddie and other board members, formed the Des Richard de Partout, inc. Association.
He became the vice-president and chairperson for international reunion for the Ricahrd’s since the beginning of this association. In 1993, the second International Richard Reunion was held in Lafayette, followed by the third reunion in Fargo, North Dakota. His biggest challenge was the 1999 Congrès Mondial Acadien where he served as chairperson for all the Acadian families reunions that took place that August along with working with the 4th Internanation Richard Reunion held in conjunction with the Congrès. In 2002, he helped and attended the Fifth International Richard Reunion in St. Louis de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada.
Eddie Richard passed away in 2005.

Source: Le bulletin “Les Richard de Partout” / Recherche P. Richard